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Frequently Asked Questions 
  • What time and place?
    Worship is at 11:00 AM on Sunday. Bible Study small groups (AKA Sunday School) meet at 9:45 AM, and each group is eager to welcome guests. Other small groups, ministries, and activities meet during the week. Please check the calendar for more information. Unless otherwise indicated, all services and activities are held in our building located at 1525 Stony Point Rd. (Rt. 20 N) in Charlottesville, Virginia.

  • Where do I park and enter?
    We have three parking lots, one at each level of the building. The sanctuary is on the middle level. An elevator is available from all levels to help you access the building. Come in any door. Signs or greeters will help you find where you need to go.

  • What are the people like?
    Pantops Community Church is a multi-generational faith community composed of people from a wide variety of backgrounds. We are marked by social, cultural, and ethnic diversity. Different gifts, talents, and interests abound. We approach our faith experience from different perspectives while at the same time being united by core beliefs and values and a vision to be realized only as we work together as a healthy, well coordinated body. To that end, tradition steadies us, love sustains us, hope encourages us, faith energizes us, and the thought of welcoming you into our community excites us.

  • What do you have for children?
    We encourage families to worship together. The sounds of young children add life to our worship service. We have worship bags with books, coloring pages, and crayons hanging on hooks in the hallway behind the sanctuary. Children are welcome to grab a bag to use during the service. We want to be responsive to the needs of families, so talk to us about your children and how Pantops can support you in your parenting adventure.

  • What is a worship service like?
    Worship services can be described as "traditional with an occasional twist". We sing songs and have an order of service pretty familiar to most church-goers, but we might mix it up with different instruments or with a skit or drama. Our whole purpose is to create a worship environment where we can experience God's presence. You'll be handed a printed order of worship that will guide you through the service.

  • Will I be singled out as a visitor?
    You won't be singled out as a visitor, but you will be warmly welcomed. Greeters will give you a Welcome Packet. Visitor cards are in the pocket of the chair in front of you. Certainly, while not necessary, we would appreciate your filling out a visitor's card and dropping it in the offering plate.

  • How do I dress for church?
    We're more concerned with getting to know you and that you have a meaningful worship experience than we are in what you wear. "Sunday dress" is not a requirement or even expected.