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Pantops is large enough to be diverse, but small enough to feel like a family.  It's not too hard to get to know everyone.  Adults are encouraged to connect to a small group, whether it's a Sunday or Wednesday Bible study, our choir, or a deacon ministry team.  All of the adult Sunday Bible study classes have their own class missions and projects.  We have three classes, including a women's class. The others are divided not so much by age as life stage and class style.  Visitors are always encouraged to try out different classes until they find the one that fits them best.

Pantops has an active senior adult group.  They aren't sitting back and waiting for others to do the work, but are fully engaged in all of our ministries and programs. Once a month (third Tuesdays) a group goes to senior living communities in our area to sing hymns and old favorites.  Every Thursday Art and Soul meets on the upper level of our building to paint together.  They work on their own projects, but also periodically work on group projects.  On the last Tuesday of each month, we gather for a Together on Tuesday luncheon at noon.  Local and out of town outings are scheduled several times a year, and transportation is offered on the church bus.