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Baptist News Global News Feed 

The NYPD reported 19 antisemitic incidents in August, an increase over last year’s tally, as anti-Muslim acts also rose dramatically.

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I am writing this post very early in the morning of Friday, Sept. 6. It is less than 48 hours after 14-year-old Colt Gray decided to start his freshman year at Apalachee High School, 40 minutes north of me, by...

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Palitana is a municipal town with a population of less than 100,000 in Bhavnagar district, Gujarat, a western state of India. It became the first town in the world where nonvegetarian food is banned, making the selling, cooking and eating...

The post Right To Food: Is Eating What The State Says A Religious Freedom Issue? appeared first on Baptist News Global.

How do Christians live faithfully and as good neighbors in a world we don’t control?

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As social scientists we are not just concerned with whether someone identifies with a religious tradition, although that is certainly important. We are also interested in whether that religion has a measurable impact on the way that they go about their...

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As the 100-year anniversary of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial approaches, the scientific community has had an entire century to explore our world and then sharpen and share their discoveries through peer review. But young earth creationists are still stuck...

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Al Mohler and Tucker Carlson may be bosom buddies in promoting Donald Trump as God’s great hope for America, but Mohler wants you to know he will gladly defend the honor of Winston Churchill that was smeared on Carlson’s podcast...

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I have been in full time ministry for 24 years. Wow. That doesn’t seem possible. Actually, that is almost half my life. Mostly, I am grateful for every second — even the most challenging moments have taught me more about...

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Most liturgical churches have been living into the bread imagery of the Gospel of John for the past several weeks. One of the worship planning resources I use has nicknamed this portion of the Lectionary “high-carb season,” which I thought...

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I was stunned while watching the news on a recent night. Network footage showed Kamila Harris and Tim Walz arriving in Savanah, Ga., to begin their two-day bus tour across South Georgia. Waiting at the bus were almost two dozen...

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Two Texas churches affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention have joined the National Religious Broadcasters and Intercessors for America in a lawsuit that seeks to do away with any federal limits on politicking by tax-exempt religious nonprofits. Sand Springs Church...

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Pope Francis and the grand imam of Southeast Asia’s largest mosque vowed Thursday to fight religiously inspired violence and protect the environment, issuing a joint call for interfaith friendship and common cause at the heart of Francis’ visit to Indonesia.

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